General Information

This section outlines the general setup of

Structure - What is Where? is a (set of) Django applications. It’s roughly divided into two parts: the Scraping part, which takes care of data aggregation and parsing of the website of the Austrian Parliament, and the Presentation part, which presents the collected data in the form of a searchable web application.

The Scraping part can be found in the subfolder offenesparlament/op_scraper, wheras the Presentation part is largely gathered in the folder offenesparlament/offenesparlament.

The search engine parts transcend each of those projects, with the search views being located in /offenesparlament/offenesparlament/, but the search_indexes being located in /offenesparlament/op_scraper/

In future, the Email-Subscription service will also be located in both parts, given that we will have to offer a subscription logic in the webapp itself (with a set of views to faciliate that), but also trigger the sending of those emails via the scraper upon changing the database.

Frontend Code

All sources for the frontend code (JS and CSS) are located in client/ and split between scripts and styles. We use CoffeeScript and the React framework for client code. To generate JS and CSS from the sources we use grunt ( is in the root dir).

All generated files are put in offenesparlament/offenesparlament/static/ by grunt.